Workshops are an opportunity to deepen knowledge around a topic and dive into the experience. It is an invitation to go on a collective journey.
The workshop experience is designed to:
Meet your specific needs.
Accommodate the size of your group.
Dive deep into a topic.
Accommodate your timeframe.
Please contact Cara to book or to customize your workshop.
Chakras are energy centers in the body. How do we know if that energy is out of balance? We will explore the 7 main chakras and gain an introductory knowledge of the chakra system. When the energy of the chakras is out of balance, physical, mental, and emotional issues may arise. In this workshop, we will identify indications of imbalance and how to restore harmony through movement and breathwork.
Journeys & Arrivals
Arriving at each moment. Often, we focus on arriving, getting to a certain point, place, time, job, relationship. We think when I (fill in the blank) I will be happy. I will have arrived. What if the journey is arriving into the present moment? In this workshop we explore arrivals. Arriving into our bodies, our breath, and our lives.
Strung With Love
Create your own personal mala, a beautiful string of beads used in meditation. Explore the symbolism and history of mala beads and learn to make your own unique mala. Dive into the meaning of the guru bead and the tassel. There will be instruction on holding, cleansing, and using your mala in meditation. Supplies available for an additional cost.
Yamas & Niyamas
Spirituality in action! Learn about these guiding principles of yoga and how to incorporate them into our practice both on and off the yoga mat. The yamas and niyamas set the foundation for our spiritual journey. They are the first steps along the eight-limb path of yoga. In this workshop, we will gain an introduction to both the yamas and niyamas and learn how to incorporate these principles into our lives.
Rest & Restore
You are enough. We can often feel out of step with the pace and rhythm of the world. Trying to keep up can leave us feeling drained and disconnected from ourselves and others. In this workshop, we invite in stillness, rest, and restoration. Through gentle movement, breathwork, and guided meditation we will nourish and nurture the body, mind, and spirit. With practice, this stillness can permeate our daily lives.
Merging into Metaphor
Yoga is full of symbolism. The names of the postures themselves are symbolic -tree, triangle, warrior. Symbols invite us to connect and by exploring symbolism we can deepen our practice. But how do we delve into a symbolic yoga practice? In this workshop we will explore visualization, imagery, and symbolism with presentation and discussion, then dive into asana practice, merging into metaphor.
Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether Elements
Explore the relationship with our natural world. We will learn about Ayurvedic elements and how they affect our lives.
Earth - balance and stability
Water - release and let go
Fire - purification and transformation
Air - uniting inner and outer worlds
Space - expansiveness, and connection
Malas, Mantras, & Meditation
Explore an introduction to meditating with malas. Malas are a beautiful tool to assist our meditation practice. This simple act encourages meditative focus, uniting intention and action. The more we chant, the more we tune ourselves to that vibration. We will drop into a guided mediation and learn essential guidelines to create your own personal mala meditation practice. Malas will be available for use, or bring your own mala and infuse it with this sacred practice.
Goddess Gratitude
Each of us has a powerful feminine voice. Modern life can leave us feeling disconnected from that divine energy. Learn how to reclaim your connection to feminine energy by awakening the goddess within. Connect to your own inherent magic and mystery by embracing your intuitive, wild, creative, fierce feminine energy.
Self – Compassion
You deserve your love and affection. Learn how to cultivate compassion towards yourself. In this workshop, we will learn the differences between self-compassion and self-esteem, explore forgiveness and letting go. We will inspire self-compassion through movement, mudra, and meditation.
“A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.” Christopher K. Germer
Vocabulary of Yoga
Ever wonder what some of the words we hear in a yoga class mean? Words like Shakti, Om, Prana, Dharma, Guru, Samadhi, and Namaste all have meaning that can enhance our yoga experience. In this introductory workshop, we will gain a deeper understanding of the meaning behind some of the more common words heard in a yoga class and put these insights into practice on our mats.
Spiritual Warrior
Living with an open heart is an act of courage. It takes courage to be our authentic selves, to speak our truth, and to trust the universe has our back. In this workshop, we will explore the warrior nature of yoga in postures, symbolic flows, and targeted breath-work. We will ignite and embrace our inner warrior spirit.
Transformational Fire
We long to grow. We set intentions and resolutions. What is the fundamental desire behind this? What is transformation but powerful growth? In this workshop, we learn to ignite the fire that leads to radical transformation. Fire can create fertile ground for this new growth. In the workshop, we will explore the element of fire and how to incorporate it into our yoga practice.
Gratitude is a gift we give ourselves. In this workshop, we learn how to cultivate gratitude on our mats. Savoring the stretch of the body, appreciating the ability to take a full breath, each movement is an offering and a celebration. Cultivating our connection to gratitude is a practice, on our mats, and in our lives.
Workplace Sessions:
Desk to Mat!
Yoga is for every-body. Step from your desk to your mat and connect with your breath and your body. This gentle and accessible yoga practice is for all levels and is a nourishing way of connecting the mind and body. Learn relaxing breathing techniques for stressful meetings and energizing breathwork for the afternoon blahs. Gain skills to take yoga back to your desk.
Yoga for Kids
Children are natural yogis. This workshop introduces children to yoga poses and breathing practices, developing awareness within themselves and for others. We will tap into the inherent creativity that children possess by incorporating yoga games into our practice by breathing like bunnies, roaring like lions, stretching like dogs, and being still as a tree. We will learn focused breathing techniques for self-calming strategies. Skills learned in this class will encourage and develop flexibility, strength, confidence, and awareness.
Yoga for Teens
Designed to address the unique lives of teenagers during a time heaped with change. Yoga offers stable ground that enables teens to navigate this time in their lives with strength and flexibility. This workshop will help teens learn yoga concepts they can use in daily life. Relaxation techniques, awareness, and breathing practices will help teens navigate this exciting time of growth.